What We Do


Boundless Love

The prison walls may be high enough to seperate inmates from the world but not from God’s boundless Love.

Boundless Love is our Prison  Ministry. This project takes love beyond the boundaries of high walls to inmates of prison facilities. Music is the main activity here with local live bands and deejays in performance. Other activities include dance, drama and presenting inmates with books and welfare gifts.

Our partners on this project include governments, prison authorities and prison associations. In recent times, inmates in some prisons have warmed up enough to put up performances themselves and collaborate on projects with the Channels artistes. This takes place at least twice every year.


Acorns to Oaks

Hundreds of children are orphaned every day in Africa as a result of armed conflict and the AIDS scourge. In most of these cases, both parents in the family are affected leaving behind their children young, homeless, and without care. We work with friends and partners to provide relief for orphans and widows.

The project, Acorns to Oaks,  is aimed at maximizing potential of young children growing in orphanages by spending time playing and working with the kids. Activities on this project include outdoor games, book readings, cooking days and outings. We partner with specific orphanages to make this a success.  Activities take place at least 4 times every year.


The Healing Word

Everyday around us, thousands of people suffer from medical conditions that can be eased with medical care. Sometimes a visit, a smile, a gift, a prayer, a spoken word delivers the healing.

In partnership with hospitals, health workers and local communities, the Channel extends care to the sick through visits, prayer and  spirit-lifting gifts. Many families keep writing it in to show appreciation for brightening their days while they had someone sick in hospital. Activities on this project take place at least 4 times every year.


Place of Refuge

The project, Place of Refuge,  seeks to provide succor to internally displaced persons through humanitarian interventions such as the provision of food and water, clothing, etc.  Activities take place at least 4 times every year.

Our Guiding Principles

All that we do, in the Channel, is inspired by the word of God. The following verses are the inspiration and drivers for all our projects.

 ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.’


Matthew 25:40

 ‘Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.’

James 1:27