The Love of Jesus from the Big Screens

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is to visit orphans and widows in their afflictions and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
James 1:27

A complete and balanced view of existence is achieved through seeing and hearing. Hence, we believe one of the most effective ways to encounter Jesus is through the medium of film.

On Sunday, the 26th of March 2023, the Channel visited the Privilege Abode for Widows and Orphans in Bukuru, Jos, Nigeria, to share the love of Jesus with young orphans in an event featuring a film screening, interactive sessions, drinks, and snacks, songs and dance, and an altar call. We also presented a cash gift and bags of clothing to the Orphanage home.

All the children (45 in number) at the Home came out happily to the cinema venue that was created for them. The activity featured a movie titled The Last Day. There were discussions after the movie and most of the children actively participated in this.

The children had immense fun and the channels weren’t left out either. A member of the audience who had a touching personal experience had this to share… ‘Stories that depict the suffering and death of Jesus always leave me emotional. I underestimated this particular movie we watched because it was animated until I couldn’t take anymore. I broke down and wept my eyes out! I’m eternally grateful to Jesus for his love and I’m glad we could spread this love to our lovely little Acorns.’

To all who turned up, to all who made a donation, and to all who prayed toward this event, we say again a big thank you! Your donations made it possible to spread the love of Jesus to young orphans through film.

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